Health and safety is the foremost component of our sustainable living strategy.
All of our Biozest products are made from renewable plant source, with the most active ingredient being D- Limonene which is found in oranges. We do not use any turps, fumes, phenols or any other ingredients which are carcinogenic and are considered to represent a health hazard.
I personally know many artists and art students who have a strong desire to paint with oils but cannot tolerate the fumes. They have complained that inhalation of the vapors has led to symptoms such as burning of their eyes, nose, throat, as well as coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath. However these are not the fumes from their oil paints which are actually one of the safest and least toxic of all art media but rather from the crude solvents that are being used as painting mediums and paintbrush cleaners.
The most commonly used solvent is Turpentine, otherwise known as Turps. This is a proven skin, eye, mucous membrane and upper respiratory tract irritant in humans, and long term exposure to it can impact fetal development. If turpentine is absorbed through the skin, it may trigger contact dermatitis and eczema and research shows that repeated exposure may damage the kidneys, bladder and nervous system and even contribute towards respiratory cancer. The ingestion of as little as 15 ml by a child can cause gastrointestinal burning and pain, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea and can even lead to a fatality.
Biozest House Solvents offers you a natural alternative to the hazardous chemicals contained in Turpentine or the regular solvents that contain it.
Environmental research has found that chemicals, especially Phosphate, which is found in ordinary household cleaning products endangers the environment by contaminating our groundwater, lakes and oceans and if they are ingested, absorbed through the skin or inhaled they can cause illness that may only emerge later in life.
Fumes from some cleaning products may induce asthma in otherwise healthy individuals and may trigger attacks in persons previously diagnosed with asthma. The presence of carcinogenic impurities are common in ordinary household detergents which have been proven to elevate the risk of birth defects and to cause cancer. Some cleaners also cause burns, poisonings and general irritations and allergies.
Many of us enjoy a clean house and a healthy, low-impact lifestyle but we rarely have the time to research the best all-round cleaning products to use and so we grab the first one that speaks to us when we are out shopping. When we do take a few minutes to read product labels, they often do not give us enough information about their ingredients to allow us to make informed decisions on which ones are safer and which ones might harm our health. We also seem to have the misconception that the more focused and specialised a product is, the more effective it will be, and so we clutter our cupboards with a collection of different cleaning products – one for the floor, another for the windows, another for the laundry etc. The great news is that we have done the research! This one-stop shop means that we needn’t ever keep any other cleaner in our home!”
Biozest House Solvents offers an all-purpose cleaner that is a natural alternative to the many common cleaning products that contain these hazardous chemicals.